Good morning! How's everyone's week going so far? Guess what I spotted at Walmart yesterday (finally)-Maybelline Baby Lips Glosses! I've been looking for these for several weeks now and was excited to see them (although a little underwhelmed at the color selection). This is all six shades here, but I'm curious as to why the photo on the display shows a bright pink gloss with a green cap...and that color doesn't seem to exist? Weird. Anyway, let's take a closer look...
I'm not sure if the display was just understocked or if these have sold so quickly that there was only one of each color, but I started to get nervous when I realized that these are not safety sealed (neither were the ColorBlur pencils, by the way). Seriously...this is Walmart we're talking about, we need safety seals! I figured there was no way I'd be able to pick up all six shades, because I was positive at least one of these would have been opened. To my surprise, they were all untouched (yesss) so I will be swatching all six shades for you very soon.
What do you guys think of the color selection? Have you tried these out yet?